6 Jars Money Management System is a very effective money management method and designed specifically to get you to financial freedom. It is introduced by T. Harv Eker at his Millionaire Mind Intensive course and his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
This simple calculator helps you separate income to the specific jar by percentage. You can enter your income, adjust your preferred percentage for each jar and the calculator will calculate the correct amount you should allocate to your jars.
The default percentages setup are as follow:
1. Financial Freedom (10%)
2. Long Term Savings (10%)
3. Education (10%)
4. Play (10%)
5. Give (5%)
6. Necessities (55%)
Feel free to adjust it according to your need, the calculator will remember your last setup, and you don't have to enter again when you come back to the app.
Transaction icon by Icons8
Bank Building icon by Icons8
Study icon by Icons8
Beach icon by Icons8
Check icon by Icons8
Volunteering icon by Icons8